The portable composting toilet BIOWC is created for environmental reasons as: Providing sanitation where water is scarce. Avoiding chemicals Minimizing maintenance costs The BIOWC is certified by TÜV HELLAS BIOWC is our Patent: PATENT NR. GR1004242
( Squares, rallies, street markets, sports events, shelters, guardhouses, holiday homes, ski resorts )
The mobile biological toilet BIOWC is a small mobile savage station of continuous use. Two fans operate one using solar energy, the second using aiolic energy, and carrying out the chimney syndrome so a micro climate is created. This provides the wastes with sufficient air-oxygen.
When liquid waste appears on the metallic surface, which is below the seat, then the wastewater tank must be emptied. This can be done either using the hole on the floor inside the toilet, or using the valve situated on the tank outside the toilet. No special knowledge is required for the maintenance of the BIOWC toilet.
Reinventing the mobile toilet from chemichal to ecologigal one